I once heard that blogging is the landfill of human thoughts. But recycling is the name of my game so keep this 'rubbish' moving around the blogosphere and join me on my journey of 365 Random Acts of Kindness inspired by Danny Wallace's book

Tuesday 1 March 2011

I have become a hugger and love standing in queues. Two for the price of one.

Right then – first off I think I need to apologise and perhaps do some groveling.

The last two days I have been unable to update my blog. Random Act of Kindness 14 and 15 have successfully completed yet not uploaded.

The reason for failing to upload RAOK 14, was because I went back to my parents house for my Mothers birthday. I therefore spent the whole day doing lots of exciting birthday things with my Mum and the rest of my family. Surely, that is a Act of Kindness itself.

I travelled back to London on Monday and I intended to update my blog then. However, we have had slight technical issues in the Peckham Palace with our internet not working. I am happy to say now the Internet is in its full, beautiful swing of supplying me with over 30Mb of Fibre optic broadband.

So, please accept my apologise and let me tell you about RAOK, 14 and 15.

Lets start with RAOK 14.

RAOK 14 – Hug someone you don’t normally hug. Extra points if it is a stranger.

On Saturday night it was my friends 21st. Yes I have had a weekend of birthdays and partying. I thought the party would be a great night to find someone to hug and preferably a stranger. The theme of the party was neon, and was in a middle of a field. Yes a field party in February - they overcame the slight temperature issue by having a roaring fire, which was pumping out some serious heat. Overall, the party was, well… quite frankly EPIC!

After some Dutch courage I decided to go up to someone and ask them for a hug and be willing for me to capture it on camera. The Dutch courage worked and I meandered up to the most beautiful girl at the party (or so I think anyway, judge for yourself). Now I have to admit I do know this girl, therefore, no extra points should be given. However, we’re not normal huggers.

Here is a picture of Rebecca and I enjoying a wee hug. I do hope from now on we will become regular huggers.

RAOK 15 – Swap places with the person behind you in the queue.

Well, a lovely Sunday at home for my Mothers birthday, indulging in lots of lovely foods made me have slight withdrawal symptoms once back at the Peckham Palace. I therefore, went off shopping to stock up on some green veg. and some luxury meats.

I arrived at the checkout to be confronted by chaos. The self-checkout tills were down and the other checkouts were clearly over capacity. I tried to do what everyone else was doing and find the shortest queue. I joined the back of one queue and stood there with my wee basket full of goodies, surprisingly I was the last person in the queue for sometime, however, as soon as I saw someone standing behind me, I politely turned around and asked if she would like to go in front. She accepted straight away and wheeled her ENORMOUS trolley around me. Yes – that is quite typical; it was always going to be a woman with toilet rolls, nappies, orange juice and well half the shop in the trolley. Crackin’.

Obviously I didn’t get angry, as this would defeat the point of a RAOK. I stood there quite happily listening to Sigur Ros.

Next up today is a very exciting RAOK, I am just about to head out and get it done. I am raring to go…

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