I once heard that blogging is the landfill of human thoughts. But recycling is the name of my game so keep this 'rubbish' moving around the blogosphere and join me on my journey of 365 Random Acts of Kindness inspired by Danny Wallace's book

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Tickets, tickets. So many tickets yet so little time.

Random Act of Kindness No. 41 – If you can’t make it to a gig – don’t waste the ticket. Give it to a stranger.

As much as I wish I did, I don’t have any tickets for a gig. When I opened my book up on Saturday morning, I was kinda stumped as to what to do. Over a cup of coffee I mulled some ideas over in my head. I figured I needed to give something away, that I would use but not today.

I took my cup of coffee outside to get some inspiration from the country air. And there is was, I got it! My chickens came up to me and started scratching around me feet. Ah ha, perfect. I can collect half a dozen eggs, stand out on the road and wait for a car to come by. When a car does, stop it and give them the eggs.

Random Act of Kindness No.41 (Wills way) Give half a dozen eggs to a passerby.

Now not many cars go down our road, so the likely hood is, I will either be waiting here for a while or someone will pass who I know, which would be a shame. Nonetheless still a kind thing. After hovering in the road for about 10, 15 minutes I heard a car coming in the distance. This was my moment.

I stood firm in the middle of the road, going against every thing I have been taught in my childhood. “William get out of the road”, “William always look before you go across road”, “William get on the grass verge”, that’s what my mother used to shout at me every time I went out the door.

Sorry mum, not this time. I am going to do whatever I want. So I was standing there with this car hurtling up towards me. Well I say hurtling, it was probably only going about 30 MPH, but when you are standing out in the road that feels rather fast I have to say.

Like a lollipop lady, I stuck my hand out to stop the car. The guy in the car stopped and put down his window. “Everything all right?” said the guy in the car. He could clearly see I was slightly worried, but most probably didn’t know it was because I didn’t think he was going to stop.

“Yes, yes, everything is crackin’ sir. Would you like some eggs?”
“If everything is Crackin’ do I really want these eggs? Are they cracked? Ha ha haaa”

Yeah he got me there. Nice one.

I assured him they weren’t cracked and I had just collected them from my chickens this morning. He was very chuffed with the offer, so much so he pulled his car to the side of the road and hopped out for a nice picture with me. Marvelous.

Here is the picture.

Gold Joinee Abad, has requested that if any of my RAOK-receivers’ comment on my blog I update you all. And of course I will do. I have also had a request from a guy called Matt for a watch. I am in the process of organising to meet up with Matt and hand the watch over to him in person. I will be sure to keep you all updated and get a picture.

Very good, happy days.

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