I once heard that blogging is the landfill of human thoughts. But recycling is the name of my game so keep this 'rubbish' moving around the blogosphere and join me on my journey of 365 Random Acts of Kindness inspired by Danny Wallace's book

Friday, 4 March 2011

It is up to you.

Now then, now then.

Tomorrows Random Act of Kindness is to give blood. If I had had some foresight, I would have seen this and therefore signed up a couple of weeks before so I could actually do it on the day. But I haven't.

So I have come up with the perhaps dangerous idea of throwing it out to you. Why don't you think of a RAOK, and put a comment at the bottom of this post suggesting it. The best, most bizarre and innovative RAOK will be chosen. So get brainstorming and hit me up with some ideas.

I will use all technology available to me to make sure you see exactly what happened.

Nice one!


  1. I haven't read the book, so I don't know if similar RAOK are included, but I would like to suggest one, beginning with a story. One day a few weeks ago I was feeling a little down after visiting a relative in hospital. On the walk home I saw some words someone had written on the side of a telephone box. They said, "Smile, today wasn't so bad". I instantly smiled. The fact that someone had taken the time to write, all be it graffiti, an uplifting phrase to everyone had made me smile and I started to feel better, thinking about all the good things that had happened that day.

    Hence, my RAOK for you: Contribute some of these uplifting, inspirational phrases around the community. Whether it be on walls (maybe without the graffiti), phrases left on pieces of paper in books or attached underneath car windscreen wipers. Make someone feel better tomorrow :)

  2. Great idea Emily.

    You could even go one step further and hand out small RAOK messages walkingpast a busy area. Eg- tower bridge is always busy- simply hand out some hand written cards saying "Smile"!

    Will make a refreshing change that you are not handing leaflets to promote or sell something, and like Emily said, may just make someones day!

    The Currency Kid

  3. Can't remember if this is in the book or not, but how about hand out Werther's Originals to old people. It's a stereotype, but it's a true one - they love 'em! (Well, who doesn't? Except for the toffee ones... they're weird.)

    Anyway, I found that there's tonnes of old men who have to wait around outside/near M&S while their wife is pottering around inside. This is a brilliant captive audience. Plus the day I did it, later on (while still handing them out) I ran into an old couple and the man happily went "That's the girl that I got the Werther's Original from!!!" and the wife was thrilled they'd run into me because apparently she'd been very jealous indeed. :) It was a fun day.

  4. Second time reader, first time poster. Hello William. Been pointed here by the joinee forum.

    Sorry to rain on your request, but surely if today you make moves to give blood (ie apply, register, book a date, whatever). then that counts as you giving blood? OK so the actual giving will be another day, but if you'd given today you'd have started the raok some days/weeks ago anyway by registering, so would it actually be today's raok anyway?

    For what it's worth, one suggestion I have would be to pick up some litter and put it in a bin. Quick and simple!

    Good luck with the rest of the challenge, I'll look forward to seeing how it all pans out in the rest of the year!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Simon makes a good point. If you want something extra to do, though, you could go to a pub and buy an old man a beer.

  7. Emily, thank you very much for your idea. I have taken it on board and started making little notes saying Smile... Today wasn't so bad. and I am going to put them up in random places where I go. Nice one.
