I once heard that blogging is the landfill of human thoughts. But recycling is the name of my game so keep this 'rubbish' moving around the blogosphere and join me on my journey of 365 Random Acts of Kindness inspired by Danny Wallace's book

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

"My name is Talulah, My first rule of thumb, I don't say where I'm going, Or where I'm coming from"

Random Act of Kindness No. 23 – Pick on your mates – Nicely!

The idea of this RAOK is to pick on a friend but with kindness…

I don’t really have many friends – most of them seem to move away or lead very busy lives so don’t have time to see me. Yeah, think they’re trying to tell me something?! I have one friend though, Talulah. She for some reason seems to be able to tolerate me.

No, No, I’m joshin’ with you. I pay her to hang around with me.

No, No, again, I’m joshin’…

So my day started at 6.30am this morning when I escorted my dearest mother and sister in-law to the airport to go to Florence. I proceeded to carry their bags all the way there, check them in, and waited for them to go through to the departure lounge. I then managed to rush home, jump in the shower and get to University in time for my morning lecture knowing it was going to be a long day.

In the afternoon my friend, Talulah and I went to Stoke Newington to pick up a prop for the theatre company I work for. Here is a list of all the things I did to shower Talulah with kindness:

1.     Topped up her Oyster card with £10
2.     Paid her a complement about her hair.
3.     Paid for her lunch
4.     Put some of her books into my bag to lighten her load
5.     Held her hand as we crossed over the road
6.     I offered to give her a shoulder massage on the bus back home
7.     Bought some biscuits to have with a cup of tea when we get back and invited her in
8.     Laughed at all her appalling jokes
9.      Let her have the comfy chair in my living room
10. Asked if she would like me to cook her dinner and have pancakes tonight.

The whole day Talulah had no idea what I was getting up to. At some points I was a bit nervous because I thought she felt some of my behaviour was a little too friendly. I still haven’t told Talulah why I was showering her with kindness, and she is sitting in my kitchen as I write this, thinking I am sending a few emails. The first she will know about it is when she reads my blog. So Talulah, if you do see this, here is the reason why I was being so kind and thoughtful all day.

Here is a picture of Talulah with Pat. Pat is the ‘prop’ I picked up today.

Also on our little road trip I dropped a little poster off at the place where we had lunch. Here is the picture of that also.

I had best go, because I don’t want Talulah getting suspicious of my whereabouts.


  1. She is *so* going to think you've been coming on to her all day. Until she reads this.

  2. Love what you're doing and hope to get time to read it all when the kids grow up and move out!....seriously!
    Here's stuff for you to try
    - buy a bunch of daffodils for £1 and hand them out to passers by
    - Put silly jokes on post it notes and stick them in random places (eg What's red and invisible??....No tomatoes! )
    Change a pound coin into pennies at the bank and give them to people saying 'would you like a lucky penny?'
