I once heard that blogging is the landfill of human thoughts. But recycling is the name of my game so keep this 'rubbish' moving around the blogosphere and join me on my journey of 365 Random Acts of Kindness inspired by Danny Wallace's book

Thursday, 31 March 2011

G'day mate, it's spring cleaning time.

So you know last night I said I was going to offer an unsolicited pint? Well, I would have done if I had remembered my wallet. Yeah, I went to the pub and forgot it. What a fool. Because it’s such a great local, it turns out I was offered the unsolicited pint.

It’s take two tonight people.

Well then, today’s Random Act of Kindness, No. 46 – Buy an old Lady a Hat.

Ok, this sounds like a wonderful idea. Old ladies love hats. But. Yes there is a but. I didn’t buy an old lady a hat today. Instead, today I did various RAOK’s for people who needed it. I am not saying an old lady doesn’t need a hat. She most certainly probably does.

Anyhow my first RAOK of the day was to help clean my sister in-laws new house. They have just started renting it and it is in a bit of a state.

I was woken up by my mother this morning at 7.00am, asking me to help Ida clean the house. Oh how lovely it was to be woken up with that good news. I did duly get out of my pit and fall down the stairs into the kitchen. I swung the front door open and walked a grand 20 meters to their new house. I donned my rubber gloves and started cleaning. It was a serious spring clean jobby. You know, windows open, buckets of warm soapy water, splashing it everywhere. After the living room, both bedrooms, and kitchen were done, there was only one room left. Yep – the dreaded bathroom. Now, I am not going to go into too much detail here, not because I don’t think you will enjoy it, because, I do not want to relive that moment ever, ever again.

After witnessing what I did in that bathroom, I am scared for life. It was horrific. I got home jumped straight into the shower and nearly brought the bottle of domestos in with me.

After spring-cleaning myself, I was relaxing reading the newspaper in the kitchen with a brew. My phone starts ringing, “William’s Wish Wellingtons”, yes that is my ringtone! It was Yvonne from the Peacock. She needed a strong man to help her lift out an old cooker and replace it with a new one. Obviously the first person that popped into her head was Me. Well, can you blame her!! I hopped in my car and drove down to the pub.

The gun show was on people! Joined by Harry, Robin, and Tom, we whipped that cooker out and a new one popped in in no time. It was a slick operation. Well actually, we did have to take the back door to the kitchen off, oh and the sink out… yeah and the cooker door off, so maybe not so slick. Nonetheless, job well done I believe.

I was on the receiving end of an RAOK today as well. I am flying to Melbourne tomorrow. I only found this out today. Well not exactly. I knew I was going to Melbourne but I thought I was leaving on Saturday. I had the shock of my life today. Yeah ok, it is only one day earlier but I have a lot I need to do. Mainly all my washing. When I found out it was tomorrow, I jumped up and threw a load of my clothes in the washing machine, only to find out it has broken. I rang up the Shortt family who live up the road and asked if I could use their washing machine. They very kindly said yes. So thank you Shortts.

So yes tomorrow I am off to Melbourne for a month. I am working over there at the International comedy festival. My flight it tomorrow night, and I arrive in Melbourne at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning. 5.00am. Whilst I am over there I fully intend to keep up with my RAOK’s and updating my blog. However, for the first couple of days, I might be a bit late updating it, but, when I get on top of things, and get used to being upside down, my blog will be uploaded everyday as per usual. Keep checking back for updates though. I am sure, as I am working at a comedy festival my RAOK’s will go down a treat.

In the mean time, keep smiling, spreading love, peace and happiness to everyone.

Peace and Love \ / 

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