I once heard that blogging is the landfill of human thoughts. But recycling is the name of my game so keep this 'rubbish' moving around the blogosphere and join me on my journey of 365 Random Acts of Kindness inspired by Danny Wallace's book

Friday, 18 February 2011

Mother's Pride...

RAOK No. 5 Buy a packet of cigars, and leave it behind the reception desk of a maternity ward for all the new fathers.

Now, I didn’t agree with this RAOK, because I believe it is slightly wrong to promote smoking in a hospital of all places!!

Therefore, I slightly adapted it.

RAOK No.5 Buy a bunch of flowers for a new mother and deliver them to the hospital.

Check out the video to see how it went.

Here is a wee picture of the lovely mother. I am sorry it is blurry, we all got caught up in the moment!!


  1. I actaully love your blogs William!!!

  2. I came with you to do this RAOK and it made me feel very happy to be part of it. I was impressed! Keep it going Will. Loves.
    p.s. Barry enjoyed the happiness too. xxx

